This is the 1st logo idea. It is just a simple logo with two colours, but it gives an effective look that could appeal to people.
This is the 2nd logo idea. This is a more professional looking one with just one colour which adds to the professionalism of it. The colour also blends in well with the background of our blog with the darkness of it. I like this logo as the design around the 'N' really gives it a better look. A benefit of this logo is that people will remember it because of the outline around the 'N' which gives it a certain uniqueness.
This is the 3rd logo idea. This fits in well with our film as it features a playing card and our film is entitled 'Chasing The Pack'. The logo also contains images of detectives which relates to the fact that our film is a crime thriller. I like this logo as it is more aesthetically pleasing than the others as it features an image unlike the others. I think this logo will work as its colours would match with the theme and the background of the blog because of its dark colours and the image of the card. This logo would benefit us as it would give us an established identity as you rarely see logo's with playing cards on them so it would stick in the mind of people. It would also benfit us by making our name unique.
This is the 4th logo idea. This relates to our film sequence as our film features a playing card. The colours will match well with the theme of our blog. The way that the text is centred gives it a smarter look than if it was at the side. Also because the text is in bold it stands out and it is more likely to stick in people's heads.
This is the 5th idea for our logo. It is pleasing to the eye and it features a smart but interesting text, not a boring one. The colours works well with and matches the theme of our blog. Again, the bold text would stand out and stick in people's minds. It has a professional and smart look to it in the fact that it is in the centre of the image.
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